Child sex clip shocker for parents

A WIDESPEAD videoclip, purportedly showing two children engaging in sexual acts, has caused shock and concern among parents, reported Harian Metro.

The 30-minute clip titled “Budak-Budak Pun Dah Pandai Sekarang (Even Children Are Well Informed Now)” has been circulating on the Internet and via mobile phones.

A boy and a girl – believed to be around eight years of age – are seen in the clip stripping off their clothes and kissing each other, the paper reported.

Their acts are believed to have taken place on top of an abandoned building, where it was filmed.

The Malay daily in its front-page story, however, said it could not be ascertained if the children were locals.

The clip was made known after several concerned parents called the newspaper expressing their worries.

Desperate move

> In an ironic twist of events, a desperate R. Kumaresan has hired a private investigator to locate his missing uncle P. Balasubramaniam – the controversial private eye linked to the Altantuya murder case.

Sinar Harian reported that Kumaresan had lost faith in the police who did not appear to be actively trying to locate his uncle who is believed to be overseas.

“The police do not seem serious about the safety of my uncle. They keep saying he's safe and does not want to be bothered.

“I'm forced to do this (hire a private eye) because I've lost touch with him for the past two weeks. I'm worried,” he said.

Kumaresan also rubbished rumours that his uncle had returned to Malaysia, adding he had checked with the Immigration Department.

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